
A leader in the user experience field, NN/g conducts groundbreaking research, trains and certifies UX practitioners.

This Certificate in User Experience demonstrates a high level of dedication to UX education, and a strong commitment to the field of UX. The topics studied provide a solid foundation that rounds out personal, practical experience.

Coursework Completed:
Generating Big Ideas with Design Thinking
Design Tradeoffs and UX Decision Frameworks
Measuring UX and ROI
The Human Mind and Usability
Designing Influence


Enterprise Design Thinking is IBM's approach to applying design thinking at the speed & scale a modern enterprise demands.

This badge demonstrates the badge earner’s proficiency in using Enterprise Design Thinking concepts and activities to design responsible artificial intelligence systems with intention and a focus on people.


Enterprise Design Thinking is IBM's approach to applying design thinking at the speed & scale a modern enterprise demands.

This badge demonstrates the badge earner’s proficiency in applying Enterprise Design Thinking and its value in their every day work.